Mileage logged in each community.

Finally, getting to a functional point with the workings of the Walk Around Lowndes website. Just a few more wrinkles to straighten out, after which my daily management of it should be rather pedestrian (if you will). Before I resume the quest today, I thought it appropriate to include a bit of data about completed walks thus far. Specifically, the 13 other Lowndes communities are noted in the order of their completion: 1- Hahira: 20.75 hrs. over 14 days – 70.5 miles. Completed 11/13/21 2- Remerton: 2.1 hrs. over 1 day – 7.7 miles. Completed 12/13/21 3- Lake Park: 18.2… Continue reading

Day Two – Valdosta

Todays walk (5.36 mi.) near the extreme southern margin of the starting point (at the junction of Arrowleaf Dr. and Loch Laurel Rd.), was met with some brief delays. I’ll not bore with details, but the Walk Around Lowndes website is only on day two. Like all endeavors more complicated than just flipping a switch, there’s a brief initial process of getting all components up, running, and synchronized. And so, while those details are being worked out, it provides a moment to strategize. As mentioned in an earlier post, some of the targeted streets lie outside of the Valdosta city… Continue reading

How it Started

Travelers, I’m glad you’re beside me (if not on foot, then in spirit). So, before I begin the completion of my walking quest, a word is in order about just what led me to do this thing. Any kindred spirit who’s embarked on a quest didn’t arrive there a la’ Forrest Gump style. For me, the pilot light was lit years ago by an uncle, Phil Kuhn, who had decided to test his discipline to run every day for a complete year. He did it! …and kept on running for two more years in an unbroken streak. I was bitten… Continue reading

My Journey Continued

Travelers Todays post is sort of a follow-up to yesterday’s, but actually a little more about the arithmetic of mileage (which puts me at risk of mansplaining…my apology in advance). When inquiring about the Georgia Department of Transportation’s (GDOT) total mileage of record for the city of Hahira, I was told there were only 26 miles of street within the city limits. I replied I would’ve of thought it a tad higher since I’d actually walked 71 miles when covering that town (nearly triple the official aggregate, or 2.7x more). The exercise provided a loosely reliable multiplier for estimating the… Continue reading