A little learning’ll do ya good.

Dateline: 05/31/24 2195 miles to date. My quest is at end. I HAVE ARRIVED! A statistical pre-note: The 2195 miles were walked over 322 days, averaging 6.81 miles per walk, which was spread out over the course of 18 months. A pretty cushy quest by any measure. btw I was never able to get a sponsor with access to Moody AFB to grant me the same. I appealed to the contingency of enlisted personnel that attended the Batan commemorative walk, Moody personnel from the fitness club & walkers klatch, the Moody community liaison, the Valdosta City Manager, Mayor, and Communications director,… Continue reading

Headed for the barn.

Dateline: 05/19/24 2,117 Miles Walked To Date.   I completed 2/3rds of the urban roads within that ellipsis between Patterson & Ashley Streets. I’m saving the last lower wedge on the southern end for the final walk. I’ll finish at the old court house, on the morning of May 31st. I envision a Rockyesque kind of affair as I summit the steps. Can’t ya just hear that theme song? (Yo, Adrieeeeeeennn). Actually, it’ll prolly be a bit more anti-climatic, more along the lines of how Forrest called his run; “I’m pretty tired. I think I’ll go home now.” I wanted… Continue reading

Whats In A Name

Dateline: 05/13/24 Day 305 / Miles -to-date: 2083 / 107 miles to match length of the Appalachian Trail   I completed walking the I-75 stretch from Cook to Madison Counties and hope never to do it again, (unless forced by a flat tire). My friend, Ty-2 D-Rone, tried unsuccessfully to argue that in order to make the claim of having walked “all roads”, I would now have to walk both the north and southbound lanes of the Interstate. I remarked that  his words had a distinct bovine fragrance; I would NOT be doing that. As mentioned, my target mileage is to match that… Continue reading

In the eye of the beholder.

Date log – 04/30/21. Day 299 2053 miles completed to date. 131 additional miles to match that of the Appalachian Trail.   I’ve finished exploring the rural Collector roads and arteries (State Hwys.) within the county. And now, like a root canal, am looking forward to completing the I-75 leg from the Cook County line to US Hwy 84. As mentioned in a prior post, when completing that super-slab from Hwy. 84 down to the Florida line (to borrow a line from George Gershwin) I learnt it was “Summer time, and the walking’ ain’t easy.” The outer margins of the… Continue reading