A Milestone

06/10/23 Day 121 – 719 Miles Two points worth mentioning: 1) I reached a significant waypoint by completing the circumnavigation of the village -and- the walk of every street south of Hill Avenue. This last trek included a 7.2 mile stretch down I-75. I’ll just say, I don’t recommend it. It was like spending a couple of hours in a hot bar with a bad band playing way too loud. It’s deafening and the walking a’int easy. (Not to mention the everpresent ill-ease at the prospect of being arrested). The hope of encountering a satchel of tossed loot, a chupacabra,… Continue reading

Day 116 – 680 Miles

LETS GO FOR A WALK! Today, I’d like to comment on the social aspect of walking. At the beginning of last week, I had a dear friend, Todd Register, suggest he come along on one of my walks. A better idea couldn’t’ve been offered up. We broke from my march in the south end of the city and trod in his childhood stomp’in grounds, the Cherokee Plantation subdivision. It was a refreshing change of pace for me and gave Todd (who’s looong since moved away from these adolecent haunts) the opportunity for that stroll down memory lane, something everybody loves… Continue reading

Day 111 – 644 Miles

OUR DAILY BRAID I’m convinced Medusa walks among us (and she ain’t happy). My evidence? These are the locks she sheds that I encounter DAILY. So, my advice gentlemen: Be very careful of the woman you lock eyes with. -Hell hath no fury like the scorn of Medusa with a nasty case of alopecia-

A Valuable Lesson Learned

     I recounted in one of my dispatches an encounter where I was asked “what had I learned?” from all this walking. I haven’t completed the journey yet and the lessons keep on coming. Recently, I learned some rock solid truths (albeit surprising and unexpected) about the faults and frailties of people we interact with, and something about myself. I apologize in advance for being coy about those lessons in this posting, but I will expound on such learning in my conclusion communique when the walking’s done. Those revelations would be better suited as part of my swan song…. Continue reading