Category: Uncategorized

Well, I’m Back in the Saddle Again

11/16/23 / Day 225 / Mile 1533 To be more accurate, I’m Back in the HOKA’s again. After a short sabbatical to mend a fence, (which I never did) I decided to stop the lollygagging and get back out there. As dad used to say, “Those roads aren’t gonna walk themselves ya know”. (He never […]


Day 218 / 1492 Miles Today I reached another waypoint in my journey (one even Christopher Columbus would take note of) which is that, save for one ellipsoid portion in the heart of the city, I will have completed walking all (and more than) I had initially set out to do. As mentioned, this quest […]

A Squirrel’s Tale

Day 209 / 1428 Miles When walking, I try to stay heads up to take in everything the day’s path has to display. But, not keeping track of the ground before your feet can result in your own cann on the pavement, and with no one else to blame. (There’s a reason they call it […]

It’s all plaid to me.

DAY 203 / 1381 MILES One question on the list from my post “So Many Questions Grasshopper” concerns, Most interesting vs. Most boring. Specifically, where is a walker most likely to encounter the unexpected just around the next curve? Although I haven’t arrived at the station yet, I now realize the answer is clear. Having […]

Making the Grade

DAY 196 / 1337 MILES Our namesake, -Valle de Aosta- I had heard, (and always accepted because it sounded plausible), meant “Valle(y) of Beauty”. Expending about as much energy as it takes to blink, I “researched” and found that Aoste actually means Rome of the Alps. It would follow then that our South Georgia version […]

One Man’s Trash

DAY 192 / MILE 1308 I’ve now completed walking the named subdivisions lying outside the Dosta ramparts, that are reflected on my 55 inch map of the town . While there are more named subdivisions out in Lowndes county, my friends at PRINT LIFE (who made the map) made me aware that in order to produce […]

The Pie Hole Matrix

DAY 185 / 1260 MILES This week I stumbled past another milestone, a small one, but gratifying in equal measure. I finished walking all the spokes to the hub…meaning I completed walking the state highways and county roads that connect each of the 11 outlying communities to the county seat. One of the bio-data measures […]

So Many Questions Grasshopper

DAY 180 / 1118 MILES I was at a dentist appointment the other day and when the Walk Around Lowndes topic came up, Dr. Robinson asked what I had learned? I mumbled a meaningless filling, having not formed any pearls of wisdom at this incomplete stage of the journey. (More painful than the drill was […]

I am a pilgram, and a stranger.

Day 171 / 1054 Miles “I am a pilgrim, and a stranger   Traveling through this wearisome land.   I’ve got a home in that yonder city, lord   And it’s not made, not made by hand.” Some followers may recognize this 1943 hymn by Merle Travis that I thought fitting for this week’s musing. […]

Even the gods need rest

DAY 168 / 1033 MILES This week, I hit another milestone by passing the 1000 mile mark. That means I could’ve walked to New York City, Toronto Canada, San Antonio Texas…and lots of destinations in between. When I think of the gas savings, it fills my tank with happiness for the accomplishment. But then I […]