Category: Uncategorized

Day 111 – 644 Miles

OUR DAILY BRAID I’m convinced Medusa walks among us (and she ain’t happy). My evidence? These are the locks she sheds that I encounter DAILY. So, my advice gentlemen: Be very careful of the woman you lock eyes with. -Hell hath no fury like the scorn of Medusa with a nasty case of alopecia-

A Valuable Lesson Learned

     I recounted in one of my dispatches an encounter where I was asked “what had I learned?” from all this walking. I haven’t completed the journey yet and the lessons keep on coming. Recently, I learned some rock solid truths (albeit surprising and unexpected) about the faults and frailties of people we interact […]

Day 101 – 579 miles

This week is day 101 of the total Lowndes walk, and day 22 of the Valdosta portion. I completed walking the eight Industrial Parks of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority. Most of the industries contained therein occupy gargantuan steel buildings that are impresive in scope and scale. It made me feel like a Lilliputian sized […]

A word on walking.

05/02/23 Day 12. Relative to the usual length of my daily strolls, today’s was a long one (10.02 miles). It provided enough time though for a few thoughts to percolate up about this thing I’m doing; about walking for its on sake. When it comes to the act thats outside the bounds of simple utility […]

Mileage logged in each community.

Finally, getting to a functional point with the workings of the Walk Around Lowndes website. Just a few more wrinkles to straighten out, after which my daily management of it should be rather pedestrian (if you will). Before I resume the quest today, I thought it appropriate to include a bit of data about completed […]

Day Two – Valdosta

Todays walk (5.36 mi.) near the extreme southern margin of the starting point (at the junction of Arrowleaf Dr. and Loch Laurel Rd.), was met with some brief delays. I’ll not bore with details, but the Walk Around Lowndes website is only on day two. Like all endeavors more complicated than just flipping a switch, […]

How it Started

Travelers, I’m glad you’re beside me (if not on foot, then in spirit). So, before I begin the completion of my walking quest, a word is in order about just what led me to do this thing. Any kindred spirit who’s embarked on a quest didn’t arrive there a la’ Forrest Gump style. For me, […]

My Journey Continued

Travelers Todays post is sort of a follow-up to yesterday’s, but actually a little more about the arithmetic of mileage (which puts me at risk of mansplaining…my apology in advance). When inquiring about the Georgia Department of Transportation’s (GDOT) total mileage of record for the city of Hahira, I was told there were only 26 […]