My Journey

Travelers, I’m glad you’re beside me (if not on foot, then in spirit). So, before I begin the completion of my walking quest, a word is in order about just what led me to do this thing. Any kindred spirit who’s embarked on a quest didn’t arrive there a la’ Forrest Gump style. For me, the pilot light was lit years ago by an uncle, Phil Kuhn, who had decided to test his discipline to run every day for a complete year. He did it! …and kept on running for two more years in an unbroken streak. I was bitten… Continue reading

Hello Travelers

I am Justin Coleman. I’m a lifelong resident of Lowndes County Ga. who’s embarked on a quest that has morphed into something a tad larger than the simple daily health routine it started out as.I am walking every foot, of every street, of every community, in Lowndes County. In the spirit of developing a healthy habit, I began a daily walk of the 4.8 mile loop around my rural neighborhood outside of Hahira. After more than a year, the routine became a bit same-ish, so I began driving to “new” nearby areas to walk, just for a change of scenery…. Continue reading