Walking on the 4th of July: Reflections on a walkers paradise, lost.

Day 139 / 838 Miles This week allowed me to shorten my walking demand in order to do my patriotic duty, like: walking freely on a beach, floating in the salt water, paddling around the wild bird sanctuary in the Apalachicola Bay, watching a parade while grilling a hotdog, and enjoying the fascination & awe of city fireworks on a warm summer night (an experience of which I’ll never bore). The break allows time to reflect, patriotically, on the track of America from its founding to our current political autoimmune disorder. For todays post however, I’ll stick to reflecting on… Continue reading

Power Through It

06/30/23 Day 135 / Mile 812 I mentioned earlier that if one would just take a walk, whatever ailment du’jour you’re suffering from would usually be diminished by the time you get back. I now realize I failed to underscore/italicize/bold type “usually”. This week I reaffirmed the basic vow to the body which is, when it speaks to us – we must listen. I also learned just how a round of Zythromycin antibiotic and Medrol steroid will bring the ceiling of a heat dome right down on top of your head. The malady, combined with the cure, tend to apply… Continue reading

DANGER Will Robinson DANGER!

Day 132 / 799 Miles When I began this quest, the universal comment heard was about my safety in certain neighborhoods. I had the same qualms and they compelled a consult with the VPD for input on the concern. I was advised in the strongest terms not to attempt this as I “didn’t fit the profile” of the subject neighborhoods and would thereby be a soft and likely target. They even provided the violent crime statistical city map for the most recent 6 months to corroborate their point, that the risk (for certain areas) could not be ignored and doing… Continue reading

Walking in Zen

06/18/23 Day 127 / 763 Miles I mentioned in my “Social aspects of Walking” post (Jun 4th) that one of the fundamental benefits of the activity is a slowed engagement with place & time, as we move through it. True, but easily misconstrued. I’m not suggesting we’re on the verge of becoming unglued, en masse, from the pressures of being Dr. Seuss Zizzer-Zoff salesmen who “All day race round in the heat at top speeds, Unsuccessfully trying to sell Zizzer-Zoff seeds, Which nobody wants because nobody needs”.  The productivity race is supposed to be balanced with servicing periods in order… Continue reading